Constructing a Vector: One Approach
Issue 4 September 1995
4. Enter a maximum of 32 vector commands in the blanks next to the step
numbers. See Appendix A for a complete description of all Call Vectoring
You need not type every letter of each command that you enter. If
you type just the first few letters of a command and press RETURN
or TAB, the system spells out the entire command.
5. Save the vector in the system by pressing ENTER.
Enhanced Vector Editing (G3V4 and later
Enhanced Vector Editing allows you to insert and delete vector steps while
editing a vector on the switch.
To insert a vector step complete the following procedure:
1. On the vector form, press F6 (edit)
2. At the command line, type “i” followed by a space and the number of the
step you would like to add. Enter the command.
3. Type the new vector step
When a new vector step is inserted, the system automatically renumbers all
succeeding steps and renumbers
step references as necessary.
To delete a vector step complete the following procedure:
1. On the vector form, press F6 (edit)
2. At the command line, type “d” followed by a space and the number of the
step you would like to delete. Enter the command.
When a vector step is deleted, the system automatically renumbers all
succeeding steps and renumbers
step references as necessary.
After editing a vector, be certain to verify that the vector will work as you
intend it to. This is particularly important if you deleted a step that was the
target of a
Constructing a Vector: One Approach
This section is intended to provide you with one logical approach to constructing
a vector. In so doing, the section presents a starting vector that consists of one
step and then builds upon this vector to produce a new vector that provides
additional functions. This ‘‘vector building’’ process continues through several