queue-to main split (skill)
Issue 4 September 1995
The command is considered a neutral vector command when the call neither
terminates nor queues.
No COR checking is carried out when a queue-to main step places a call to a
split (skill).
CMS Interactions
R3 CMS: Calls queued via a
queue-to main split (skill)
command are tracked as
Split (skill) calls are reported in the standard reports according to the final
disposition of the call.
The presence of the command in a vector enables the calls that are serviced by
the vector to be vector-directed. When such a call is answered by an agent, the
call is tracked as ACDCALLS/ANSTIME, and it is reported as ‘‘ACD Calls,’’ ‘‘Split
(skill) ACD Calls,’’ and ‘‘Avg Speed Ans.’’ If the call is also queued to other splits
(skills), OUTFLOWCALLS/OUTFLOWTIME is tracked in the first split (skill) to
which the call queues, and ‘‘Flow Out’’ is reported (unless the split (skill) turns out
to be the answering split (skill)). DEQUECALLS/DEQUETIME is tracked in the
second and third splits (skills) if these splits (skills) are not the answering split
(skill), and the call is reported as ‘‘Dequeued Calls’’ and ‘‘Dequeued Avg Queue
Time.’’ However, if the second or third split (skill) is the answering split (skill),
INFLOWCALLS is tracked in the split (skill), and the call is reported as ‘‘Flow In.’’
If the call abandons after the command queues the call to a split (skill),
ABNCALLS/ABNTIME is tracked for the vector, the VDN, and the first split (skill)
to which the call is queued. The call is reported as ‘‘Aban Call’’ and ‘‘Avg Aban
Time.’’ If the call is also queued to other splits (skills),
DEQUECALLS/DEQUETIME is tracked in these splits (skills), and the call is
reported as ‘‘Dequeued Calls’’ and ‘‘Dequeued Avg Queue Time.’’
queue-to main split (skill)
calls are shown in the standard reports
according to the final disposition of the call.
An ACD call directed via the command and subsequently answered is tracked
as ANSWERED/ANSDELAY and ACDCALLS. The call is reported as ‘‘No. ACD
Calls,’’ ‘‘No. Calls Ans,’’ and ‘‘Avg Speed Ans.’’ If the call is also queued to other
splits (skills), OUTFLOW is tracked in these splits (skills), and the call is reported
as ‘‘Flow Out.’’ Calls directed via the command are tracked as ANSMAIN, and
they are reported as ‘‘No. Calls Ans in Main.’’
If the call abandons after the command queues the call to a split (skill),
ABNCALLS/ABNTIME is tracked for the vector, the VDN, and the first split (skill)
to which the call is currently queued. The call is reported as ‘‘No. Aban Calls’’
and ‘‘Avg Aban Time.’’ If the call is also queued to other splits (skills),
OUTFLOWCALLS/OUTFLOWTIME is tracked in these splits (skills), and the call is
reported as ‘‘Flow Out.’’