Call Prompting
5-14 Issue 4 September 1995
User-Entered FAC and Extension
The following vector connects a user directly to the Service Observing FAC and
extension based on digits collected by Call Prompting.
Figure 5-9. Service Observing Vector with User-Entered FAC
and Extension
Preprogrammed FAC and Extension
The following vector connects a user to a preprogrammed FAC and extension
using Call Prompting to allow the observer to select the extension they would like
to observe. In this example, the observer will be Service Observing a VDN.
Figure 5-10. Service Observing Vector with Preprogrammed
FAC and Extension
Dial-Ahead Digits
Dial-ahead digits provide the caller with a means of bypassing unwanted
announcement prompts on the way to acquiring the information or servicing he or
1. wait-time 0 secs hearing ringback
2. collect 5 digits after announcement 2300
(‘‘Please enter your 5-digit security code.’’)
3. goto step 5 if digits = 12345 (security code)
4. disconnect after announcement 2000
5. wait-time 0 seconds hearing ringback
6. collect 6 digits after announcement 3245 (“Please enter the
number 11 for listen-only observing or the number 12 for
listen/talk observing followed by the number of the extension you
would like to observe”)
7. route-to digits with coverage n
8. stop
1. wait-time 0 secs hearing ringback
2. collect 5 digits after announcement 2300
(‘‘Please enter your 5-digit security code.’’)
3. goto step 5 if digits = 12345 (security code)
4. disconnect after announcement 2000
5. wait-time 0 seconds hearing ringback
6. collect 1 digits after announcement 2310 (“Enter 1 to observe
sales, 2 to observe billing”)
7. route-to number 113001 with cov n if digit = 1 (11 = listen-only
observe, 3001 = “Sales” VDN)
8. route-to number 113002 with cov n if digit = 2 (11 = listen-only
observe, 3002 = “Billing” VDN)
9. goto step 6 if unconditionally