Inspection Form for BilJax Summit Series® Aerial Work Platforms
Machine Model No. Serial No.
Date of Manufacture: Inspection Performed by:
Date of Inspection: Inspection Location:
Inspection and Maintenance of the above listed machine shall be performed only by fully trained, authorized and, where
applicable, certified personnel. All service checks shall be performed in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations
(see the appropriate BilJax Parts and Service Manual) and ANSI/SIA A92.2-2001. Copy this form as needed. Direct any
questions to the BilJax Customer Service Department: 1.800.537.0540 or visit BilJax online at www.biljax.com.
Inspector: Initial in the space provided beside each service check as it is completed. Sign and date form after
Inspection. Owner: Keep this form for your records.
Frequency Key: D=Daily (or before each use); W=Weekly; M=Monthly; A=Annually
Service Check Description Frequency Initials
Verify that all decals are correctly applied and in plain view. D
Verify that all controls and indicators at ground and platform control stations
operate properly.
Verify operation of running and brake lights. D
Verify proper tire inflation. D
Inspect tires for damage or loose or missing lug nuts. D
Inspect structural components for obvious damage or debris. D
Inspect machine for loose, damaged or missing fasteners, including pins and bolts. D
Verify that boom down limit switches operate correctly. D
Verify that outrigger safety interlocks operate correctly. D
Inspect hydraulic system and fluid levels. D
Check battery electrolyte level. W
Inspect electrical wiring W
Inspect transport hitch for damage W
Inspect boom for missing, loose or damaged hardware. W
Inspect all hydraulic system components including pump and motor and cylinders
for damage, leaks, loss of pressure or speed, and unusual noise or vibration.
Clean all battery terminals. M
Check battery connections. M
Verify proper operation of manual lowering valves and hand pump. M
Lubricate all compartment hinges and latches, slew ring and mating gear using
NLGI Grade 2 multi-purpose grease.
Check Wheel Nut torque. M
Replace Hydraulic Oil and Hydraulic Filter. A
Inspect pivot pins and cylinders, including rod ends for wear or damage. A
Visually inspect all welds for wear, damage or corrosion. A
Inspect outriggers for wear or damage. A
Verify proper level sensor operation A
Inspect and adjust axle and parking brake. A
Load test all boom functions with a 500lb (227kg) load (440lb/200kg load if
machine is equipped with jib/platform rotate).
Check slew ring for wear or damage. A
Inspector Signature_________________________________ Date___/____/_______