switch. To avoid throttling VRRP advertisement packets, Dell Networking recommends increasing the
VRRP advertisement interval to a value higher than the default value of 1 second.
CAUTION: Increasing the advertisement interval increases the VRRP Master dead interval,
resulting in an increased failover time for Master/Backup election. Take caution when increasing
the advertisement interval, as the increased dead interval may cause packets to be dropped
during that switch-over time.
The recommendations in the following table vary, depending on several factors; for example, address
resolution protocol (ARP) broadcasts, IP broadcasts, or spanning tree protocol (STP) before changing the
advertisement interval. When the number of packets processed by the CP processor increases or
decreases based on the dynamics of the network, the advertisement intervals in may increase or decrease
Table 71. Recommended VRRP Advertise Intervals
Recommended Advertise
Less than 250 1 second 255
Between 250 and 450 2–3 seconds 255
Between 450 and 600 3–4 seconds 255
VRRP Configuration
By default, VRRP is not configured.
Configuration Task List
The following list specifies the configuration tasks for VRRP.
• Creating a Virtual Router (mandatory)
• Configuring the VRRP Version for an IPv4 Group (optional)
• Assign Virtual IP addresses (mandatory)
• Setting VRRP Group (Virtual Router) Priority (optional)
• Configuring VRRP Authentication (optional)
• Disabling Preempt (optional)
• Changing the Advertisement Interval (optional)
• Track an Interface or Object (optional)
• Setting VRRP Initialization Delay (optional)
For a complete listing of all commands related to VRRP, refer to Dell Networking OS Command Line
Reference Guide.
Creating a Virtual Router
To enable VRRP, create a virtual router. In Dell, the virtual router identifier (VRID) identifies a VRRP group.
To enable or delete a virtual router, use the following commands.
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)