Dell#show interfaces configured
Dell#show interfaces tengigabitEthernet 0 configured
Dell#show ip interface configured
Dell#show ip interface tengigabitEthernet 1 configured
Dell#show interfaces fortygigabitEthernet 0 configured
Dell#show ip interface fortygigabitEthernet 1 configured
Dell#show ip interface brief configured
Dell#show running-config interfaces configured
Dell#show running-config interface tengigabitEthernet 1 configured
In EXEC mode, the show interfaces switchport command displays only interfaces in Layer 2 mode
and their relevant configuration information. The show interfaces switchport command displays
the interface, whether it supports IEEE 802.1Q tagging or not, and the VLANs to which the interface
Dell#show interfaces switchport
Name: TenGigabitEthernet 13/0
802.1QTagged: True
Vlan membership:
Vlan 2
Name: TenGigabitEthernet 13/1
802.1QTagged: True
Vlan membership:
Vlan 2
Name: TenGigabitEthernet 13/2
802.1QTagged: True
Vlan membership:
Vlan 2
Name: TenGigabitEthernet 13/3
802.1QTagged: True
Vlan membership:
Vlan 2
Configuring the Interface Sampling Size
You can enter any value between five and 299 seconds (the default). If you enter 1 to 5 seconds, software
polling is done at 5 second intervals. If you enter 6 to 10 seconds, software polling is done at 10 second
interval. For any other value, software polling is done once every 15 seconds. So, for example, if you enter
“19”, you actually get a sample of the past 15 seconds.
All LAG members inherit the rate interval configuration from the LAG.
The following example shows how to configure rate interval when changing the default value.
To configure the number of seconds of traffic statistics to display in the show interfaces output, use the
following command.
• Configure the number of seconds of traffic statistics to display in the show interfaces output.
Example of the rate-interval Command