Field Description
FCF MAC Fibre Channel forwarder MAC: MAC address of MXL 10/40GbE Switch
or M I/O Aggregator with the FC Flex IO module FCF interface.
Fabric Intf Fabric-facing MXL 10/40GbE Switch or M I/O Aggregator with the FC
Flex IO module Fibre Channel port (slot/port) on which FCoE traffic is
transmitted to the specified fabric.
FCoE VLAN ID of the dedicated VLAN used to transmit FCoE traffic from a server
CNA to a fabric and configured on both the server-facing MXL
10/40GbE Switch or M I/O Aggregator with the FC Flex IO module port
and server CNA port.
Fabric Map Name of the FCoE map containing the FCoE/FC configuration
parameters for the server CNA-fabric connection.
Enode WWPN Worldwide port name of the server CNA port.
Enode WWNN Worldwide node name of the server CNA.
FCoE MAC Fabric-provided MAC address (FPMA). The FPMA consists of the FC-
MAP value in the FCoE map and the FC-ID provided by the fabric after
a successful FLOGI. In the FPMA, the most significant bytes are the FC-
MAP; the least significant bytes are the FC-ID.
FC-ID FC port ID provided by the fabric.
LoginMethod Method used by the server CNA to log in to the fabric; for example,
Secs Number of seconds that the fabric connection is up.
State Status of the fabric connection: logged in.
show fc switch Command Example
Dell# show fc switch
Switch Mode : NPG
Switch WWN : 10:00:5c:f9:dd:ef:10:c0
Table 90. show fc switch Command Description
Field Description
Switch Mode Fibre Channel mode o f operation of an MXL 10/40GbE Switch or M I/O
Aggregator with the FC Flex IO module. Default: NPG (configured as an
NPIV proxy gateway).
Switch WWN Factory-assigned worldwide node (WWN) name of the MXL 10/40GbE
Switch or M I/O Aggregator with the FC Flex IO module. The MXL
10/40GbE Switch or M I/O Aggregator with the FC Flex IO module
WWN name is not user-configurable.
FC Flex IO Modules