dot1p Queue Number
7 3
• Change the priority of incoming traffic on the interface.
Example of Configuring a dot1p Priority on an Interface
NOTE: The dot1p-priority command marks all incoming traffic on an interface with a specified
dot1p priority and maps all incoming traffic to the corresponding queue. When you enable PFC
and/or ETS on an interface, incoming traffic with a specified dot1p priority can be distributed across
different queues. Therefore, when you use PFC and ETS to manage data center traffic, it is not
recommended that you use the
dot1p-priority command to set a queue assignment. For more
information, refer to Data Center Bridging (DCB).
Dell(conf)#interface tengigabitethernet 1/0
Dell(conf-if)#dot1p-priority 1
Honoring dot1p Priorities on Ingress Traffic
By default, the Dell Networking OS does not honor dot1p priorities on ingress traffic.
You can configure this feature on physical interfaces and port-channels, but you cannot configure it on
individual interfaces in a port channel.
You can configure service-class dynamic dot1p from CONFIGURATION mode, which applies the
configuration to all interfaces. A CONFIGURATION mode service-class dynamic dot1p entry
supersedes any INTERFACE entries. For more information, refer to Mapping dot1p Values to Service
NOTE: You cannot configure service-policy input and service-class dynamic dot1p on
the same interface.
• Honor dot1p priorities on ingress traffic.
service-class dynamic dot1p
Example of Configuring an Interface to Honor dot1p Priorities on Ingress Traffic
Dell#config t
Dell(conf)#interface tengigabitethernet 1/0
Dell(conf-if)#service-class dynamic dot1p
Quality of Service (QoS)