Changing OSPFv3 Session Parameters
Configure BFD sessions with default intervals and a default role.
The parameters that you can configure are: desired tx interval, required min rx interval,
detection multiplier, and system role. Configure these parameters for all OSPFv3 sessions or all
OSPFv3 sessions on a particular interface. If you change a parameter globally, the change affects all
OSPFv3 neighbors sessions. If you change a parameter at the interface level, the change affects all
OSPFv3 sessions on that interface.
To change parameters for all OSPFv3 sessions or for OSPFv3 sessions on a single interface, use the
following commands.
To view session parameters, use the show bfd neighbors detail command, as shown in the
example in Displaying BFD for BGP Information.
• Change parameters for all OSPFv3 sessions.
bfd all-neighbors interval milliseconds min_rx milliseconds multiplier value
role [active | passive]
• Change parameters for OSPFv3 sessions on a single interface.
ipv6 ospf bfd all-neighbors interval milliseconds min_rx milliseconds
multiplier value role [active | passive]
Disabling BFD for OSPFv3
If you disable BFD globally, all sessions are torn down and sessions on the remote system are placed in a
Down state.
If you disable BFD on an interface, sessions on the interface are torn down and sessions on the remote
system are placed in a Down state. Disabling BFD does not trigger a change in BFD clients; a final Admin
Down packet is sent before the session is terminated.
To disable BFD sessions, use the following commands.
• Disable BFD sessions with all OSPFv3 neighbors.
no bfd all-neighbors
• Disable BFD sessions with OSPFv3 neighbors on a single interface.
ipv6 ospf bfd all-neighbors disable
Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD)