
Table 87. show qos dcb-map Field Descriptions
Field Description
State Complete: All mandatory DCB parameters are correctly configured. In
progress: The DCB map configuration is not complete. Some
mandatory parameters are not configured.
PFC Mode PFC configuration in the DCB map: On (enabled) or Off.
PG Priority group configured in the DCB map.
TSA Transmission scheduling algorithm used in the DCB map: Enhanced
Transmission Selection (ETS).
BW Percentage of bandwidth allocated to the priority group.
PFC PFC setting for the priority group: On (enabled) or Off.
Priorities 802.1p priorities configured in the priority group.
show npiv devices brief Command Example
Dell# show npiv devices brief
Total NPIV Devices = 2
ENode-Intf ENode-WWPN FCoE-Vlan Fabric-Intf Fabric-Map
LoginMethod Status
Te 0/12 20:01:00:10:18:f1:94:20 1003 Fc 0/5
Te 0/13 10:00:00:00:c9:d9:9c:cb 1003 Fc 0/0
Table 88. show npiv devices brief Field Descriptions
Field Description
Total NPIV Devices Number of downstream ENodes connected to a fabric over the MXL
10/40GbE Switch or M I/O Aggregator with the FC Flex IO module,
ENode-Intf MXL 10/40GbE Switch or M I/O Aggregator with the FC Flex IO module
Ethernet interface (slot/port) to which a server CNA is connected.
ENode-WWPN Worldwide port name (WWPN) of a server CNA port.
FCoE-Vlan VLAN ID of the dedicated VLAN used to transmit FCoE traffic to and
from the fabric.
Fabric-Intf Fabric-facing Fibre Channel port (slot/port) on which FC traffic is
transmitted to the specified fabric.
FC Flex IO Modules