Table 85. show interfaces status Field Descriptions
Field Description
Port Server-facing 10GbE Ethernet (Te), 40GbE Ethernet (Fo), or fabric-
facing Fibre Channel (Fc) port with slot/port information.
Description Text description of port.
Status Operational status of port:
Ethernet ports - up (transmitting FCoE and LAN storage traffic) or down
(not transmitting traffic).
Fibre Channel ports - up (link is up and transmitting FC traffic) or down
(link is down and not transmitting FC traffic), link-wait (link is up and
waiting for FLOGI to complete on peer SW port), or removed (port has
been shut down).
Speed Transmission speed (in Megabits per second) of Ethernet and FC iports,
including auto-negotiated speed (Auto).
Duplex Data transmission mode: Full (allows communication in both directions
at the same time), Half (allows communication in both directions but
not at the same time), Auto (auto-negotiated transmission).
VLAN VLAN IDs of the VLANs in which the port is a member.
show fcoe-map Command Examples
Dell# show fcoe-map brief
Fabric-Name Fabric-Id Vlan-Id FC-MAP FCF-Priority Config-
State Oper-State
fid_1003 1003 1003 0efc03 128
fid_1004 1004 1004 0efc04 128
Dell# show fcoe-map fid_1003
Fabric Name fid_1003
Fabric Id 1003
Vlan Id 1003
Vlan priority 3
FC-MAP 0efc03
FKA-ADV-Period 8
Fcf Priority 128
Config-State ACTIVE
Oper-State UP
Fc 0/0
Te 0/14 Te 0/16
FC Flex IO Modules