The following example shows how to configure FIP snooping on FCoE VLAN 10, on an FCF-facing port
(0/50), on an ENode server-facing port (0/1), and to configure the FIP snooping ports as tagged members
of the FCoE VLAN enabled for FIP snooping.
Example of Enabling the FIP Snooping Feature on the Switch (FIP Snooping Bridge)
Example of Enabling FIP Snooping on the FCoE VLAN
Example of Enabling an FC-MAP Value on a VLAN
Example of Configuring the ENode Server-Facing Port
Example of Configuring the FCF-Facing Port
Example of Configuring FIP Snooping Ports as Tagged Members of the FCoE VLAN
Dell(conf)# feature fip-snooping
Dell(conf)# interface vlan 10
Dell(conf-if-vl-10)# fip-snooping enable
Dell(conf-if-vl-10)# fip-snooping fc-map 0xOEFC01
NOTE: Configuring an FC-MAP value is only required if you do not use the default FC-MAP value
Dell(conf)# interface tengigabitethernet 0/1
Dell(conf-if-te-0/1)# portmode hybrid
Dell(conf-if-te-0/1)# switchport
NOTE: A port is enabled by default for bridge-ENode links.
Dell(conf)# interface tengigabitethernet 0/50
Dell(conf-if-te-0/50)# portmode hybrid
Dell(conf-if-te-0/50)# switchport
Dell(conf-if-te-0/50)# fip-snooping port-mode fcf
Dell(conf)# interface vlan 10
Dell(conf-if-vl-10)# tagged tengigabitethernet 0/1
Dell(conf-if-vl-10)# tagged tengigabitethernet 0/50
Dell(conf-if-te-0/1)# no shut
Dell(conf-if-te-0/50)# no shut
Dell(conf-if-vl-10)# no shut
After FIP packets are exchanged between the ENode and the switch, a FIP snooping session is
established. ACLs are dynamically generated for FIP snooping on the FIP snooping bridge/switch.
FCoE Transit