Create a new user role, myrole and inherit security administrator permissions.
Dell(conf)#userrole myrole inherit secadmin
Verify that the user role, myrole, has inherited the security administrator permissions. The output
highlighted in bold indicates that the user role has successfully inherited the security administrator
Dell(conf)#do show userroles
************* Mon Apr 28 14:46:25 PDT 2014 **************
Authorization Mode: role or privilege
Role Inheritance Modes
netadmin Exec Config Interface Router IP Route-map Protocol MAC
secadmin Exec Config Line
sysadmin Exec Config Interface Line Router IP Route-map
Protocol MAC.
secadmin Exec Config Line
Modifying Command Permissions for Roles
You can modify (add or delete) command permissions for newly created user roles and system defined
roles using the role mode { { { addrole | deleterole } role-name } | reset } command
command in Configuration mode.
NOTE: You cannot modify system administrator command permissions.
If you add or delete command permissions using the role command, those changes only apply to the
specific user role. They do not apply to other roles that have inheritance from that role. Authorization and
accounting only apply to the roles specified in that configuration.
When you modify a command for a role, you specify the role, the mode, and whether you want to restrict
access using the deleterole keyword or grant access using the addrole keyword followed by the
command you are controlling access. For information about how to create new roles, see also
Creating a
New User Role.
The following output displays the modes available for the role command.
Dell (conf)#role ?
configure Global configuration mode
exec Exec Mode
interface Interface configuration mode
line Line Configuration mode
route-map Route map configuration mode
router Router configuration mode
Examples: Deny Network Administrator from Using the show users Command.
The following example denies the netadmin role from using the show users command and then
verifies that netadmin cannot access the show users command in exec mode. Note that the