Viewing Information Advertised by Adjacent LLDP Agents
To view brief information about adjacent devices or to view all the information that neighbors are
advertising, use the following commands.
• Display brief information about adjacent devices.
show lldp neighbors
• Display all of the information that neighbors are advertising.
show lldp neighbors detail
Example of Viewing Brief Information Advertised by Neighbors
Example of Viewing Details Advertised by Neighbors
R1(conf-if-te-1/31)#do show lldp neighbors
Loc PortID Rem Host Name Rem Port Id Rem Chassis Id
Te 0/2 - 00:00:c9:b1:3b:82 00:00:c9:b1:3b:82
Te 0/3 - 00:00:c9:ad:f6:12 00:00:c9:ad:f6:12
Dell#show lldp neighbors detail
Local Interface Te 0/2 has 1 neighbor
Total Frames Out: 16843
Total Frames In: 17464
Total Neighbor information Age outs: 0
Total Multiple Neighbors Detected: 0
Total Frames Discarded: 0
Total In Error Frames: 0
Total Unrecognized TLVs: 0
Total TLVs Discarded: 0
Next packet will be sent after 16 seconds
The neighbors are given below:
Remote Chassis ID Subtype: Mac address (4)
Remote Chassis ID: 00:00:c9:b1:3b:82
Remote Port Subtype: Mac address (3)
Remote Port ID: 00:00:c9:b1:3b:82
Local Port ID: TenGigabitEthernet 0/2
Locally assigned remote Neighbor Index: 7
Remote TTL: 120
Information valid for next 105 seconds
Time since last information change of this neighbor: 1d21h56m
Remote System Desc: Emulex OneConnect 10Gb Multi function Adapter
Existing System Capabilities: Station only
Enabled System Capabilities: Station only
Local Interface Te 0/3 has 1 neighbor
Total Frames Out: 39165
Total Frames In: 40650
Total Neighbor information Age outs: 0
Total Multiple Neighbors Detected: 0
Total Frames Discarded: 0
Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP)