CHAPTER 5 Moving Data In and Out of Databases
Redirecting output
and messages
The >& redirection symbol redirects all output including error messages and
statistics for the command on which it appears. For example:
FROM employee
>& empfile
Do not enclose the file name in quotation marks.
This example outputs the
SELECT statement to the file empfile, followed by the
output from the
SELECT statement and some statistics pertaining to the
The >& redirection method is useful for getting a log of what happens during
READ command. The statistics and errors of each command are written
following the command in the redirected output file.
NULL value output
The most common reason to extract data is for use in other software products.
The other software package may not understand NULL values, however.
The DBISQL option
NULLS allows you to choose how NULL values are
output. Alternatively, you can use the
IFNULL function to output a specific
value whenever there is a NULL value.
For information on setting DBISQL options, see “SET OPTION statement” in
Adaptive Server IQ Reference Manual.
Bulk loading data using the LOAD TABLE statement
The LOAD TABLE statement is used for efficient importing of data from a text
or binary file into an existing database table. It loads data into any column
indexes you have defined, as well as any created automatically.
In order to use the
LOAD TABLE statement, you need INSERT permission on
the table.
See the description of the
ON FILE ERROR load option for what happens when
errors occur during a load.