
Using ODBC data sources on UNIX
Using ODBC data sources on UNIX
On UNIX operating systems, ODBC data sources are held in a file named
.odbc.ini. When creating a .odbc.ini file on any UNIX system, you must use the
long form of each identifier, for example:
[My Data Source]
Network communications parameters are added as part of the CommLinks
parameter. For a complete list, see “Connection parameters” on page 73.
References to ODBC functions are resolved at run time. The database server
looks for the .odbc.ini file in:
1 The directory specified by the ODBCHOME environment variable
2 The directory specified by the HOME environment variables
3The path
The database server ignores the ODBC_HOME, ODBC_INI and ODBCINI
environment variables.
Note On UNIX systems, Adaptive Server IQ installation installs only the
ODBC driver, and not the driver manager. The name of the driver file includes
an operating system-specific extension, for example, so for Solaris systems.
For example, on a Sun Solaris system, if you are using an ODBC application
that uses libodbc.so (libodbc.so.1) or libodbcinst.so (libodbcinst.so.1), simply
create symbolic links for these that point to $SYBASE/asiq12/lib/dbodbc6.so.1.
If you are creating a custom ODBC application, you can link directly to
If Adaptive Server IQ does not detect the presence of an ODBC driver
manager, it will use ~/.odbc.ini for data source information. Otherwise, it will
query the driver manager for data source information.