CHAPTER 2 Running Adaptive Server IQ
5 Leave all other fields blank, and click OK. Adaptive Server IQ starts up
and loads the sample database, and DBISQL connects to the database.
Connecting using a data source
You can save sets of connection parameters in a data source. Data sources can
be used by ODBC and Embedded SQL applications like DBISQL. You can
create data sources from the ODBC Administrator; see “Creating and editing
ODBC data sources” for details.
The following procedure shows how to connect to the sample database from
DBISQL using a data source.
❖ To connect using a data source:
1 Start DBISQL with no databases running.
• On UNIX, type
dbisql at a system command prompt.
• On Windows NT, from the Start menu choose Programs→Sybase →
Adaptive Server IQ 12.0 → Interactive SQL.
DBA as the user ID and SQL as the password.
3 Specify the data source. On Windows NT, you can select from the drop-
down list of ODBC data sources; for the sample database, select ASIQ12
Sample. On UNIX you must enter it in the ODBC Data Source field.
4 For the sample database, leave all other fields blank, and click OK.
Adaptive Server IQ starts up and loads the sample database, and
Interactive SQL connects to the database. For other databases you may
need to provide additional information, depending on your data source.
Note You can also specify the data source name by including the dsn
connection parameter in the dbisql command, as follows:
dbisql -c "dsn=ASIQ12 Sample"
The asiqdemo data
The asiqdemo data source holds a set of connection parameters, including the
database file and a Start parameter to start the sample database. The server
name in this data source is “hostname_asiqdemo” where hostname represents
your system name.