Validating your database
Interpreting results
The procedure produces a very long list of statistics about your database.
Statistics are listed first for the Main IQ Store, then for Temporary Store. For
each store, you see three types of statistics:
• Dynamic statistics. These are cumulative counts from the time the
database server was started, and vary each time you run the procedure.
Examples include buffer manager statistics. You can also obtain these
statistics by running the stored procedure
• Size statistics. These report on space used by various database objects.
• Orphaned blocks. These are the key statistics to look for. They always
have an asterisk next to them so you can find them easily. Orphaned block
statistics are described in the table below. If you see a non-zero value for
any of these statistics, your database likely has a serious consistency
problem. (You also see a non-zero value if other users are active while
sp_iqcheckdb is run; see “Concurrency issues for sp_iqcheckdb” below.)
The following figure shows an excerpt from
sp_iqcheckdb output for the
sample database. You can see the key statistics designated by asterisks.
Orphaned block statistic Meaning
NDBBlocksDupOwned More than one table claims ownership
of the same page
NDBBlocksUnOwned No table owns the pages, but the free
list says these pages are free
NDBBlocksOwnedButNE A table claims to own these pages, but
the free list says they are available
(you will never see a non-zero value
for this statistic)
NDB1stDupOwnedBlock First orphaned block of this type
NDB1stUnOwnedBlock First orphaned block of this type
NDB1stOwnedButNEBlock First orphaned block of this type
NDBBlockCountMismatch Sum of NDBBlocksDupOwned,