International language and character set tasks
SELECT PROPERTY( ’DefaultCollation’ )
The query returns one of the collations listed in “Supplied collations” on
page 329.
To obtain client locale information, connect to a database server running on
your current machine.
To obtain the character set for an individual database, execute the following
Setting locales
You can use the default locale on your operating system, or explicitly set a
locale for use by the Adaptive Server IQ components on your machine.
❖ To set the Adaptive Server IQ locale on a computer:
1 If the default locale is appropriate for your needs, you do not need to take
any action.
To find out the default locale of your operating system, see “Determining
locale information” on page 345.
2 If you need to change the locale, create a SQLLOCALE environment
variable with the following value:
where cslabel is a character set label from the list in “Character set labels”
on page 326, langlabel is a language label from the list in “Language label
values” on page 325, and colabel is from the list in “Understanding
collations” on page 328 Understanding collations, or is a custom collation
For information on how to set environment variables on different
operating systems, see the Adaptive Server IQ Reference Manual.
Creating a database with a named collation
The default collation for an IQ database is always ISO_BINENG. You can
specify a different collation for each database when you create it.