Simple connection examples
The following connection parameters show how to load the sample database as
an embedded database:
where path is the name of your Adaptive Server IQ installation directory.
Using the Start
The following connection parameters show how you can customize the startup
of the sample database as an embedded database. This is useful if you wish to
use command-line options, such as the cache size:
Start=asiqsrv12 -gm 10 -gp 4096 -c 8M
Extra cache needed for Java
If you are using Java in an embedded database, you should use the start line to
provide more than the default cache size. For development purposes, a cache
size of 8 MB is sufficient.
Example: connecting
from DBSQL
In this example, the sample database is an embedded database within DBSQL.
❖ To connect to an embedded database from DBSQL in Windows NT:
1 Start DBISQL with no databases running. You can use either of the
following ways:
• From the Windows NT Start menu, choose Sybase→Adaptive Server
Anywhere →Interactive SQL.
dbisql at a system command prompt.
When DBISQL starts, it is not connected to any database.
2 Type CONNECT in the command window, and press F9 to execute the
command. The connection dialog appears.
3 If you have an ODBC data source for your database, select that data
DBA as the user ID and SQL as the password. Then click the Database
tab. Enter the full path of the sample database in the Database File field.
For example, if your installation directory is c:\sybase\asiq12 you should
enter the following: