CHAPTER 6 Using Procedures and Batches
• The DECLARE statement in InnerProc declares a symbolic name for one
of the predefined SQLSTATE values associated with error conditions
already known to the server. The DECLARE statement does not take any
other action.
• The MESSAGE statement sends a message to the server window and the
dbconsol message window.
• The SIGNAL statement generates an error condition from within the
InnerProc procedure.
The following statement executes the
OuterProc procedure:
CALL OuterProc();
The message window of the server then displays the following:
Hello from OuterProc.
Hello from InnerProc.
No statements following the SIGNAL statement in InnerProc are executed:
InnerProc immediately passes control back to the calling environment, which
in this case is the procedure
OuterProc. No statements following the CALL
statement in
OuterProc are executed. The error condition is returned to the
calling environment to be handled there. For example, DBISQL handles the
error by displaying a message window describing the error.
The TRACEBACK function provides a list of the statements that were
executing when the error occurred. You can use the TRACEBACK function
from DBISQL by typing the following statement: