CHAPTER 14 Adaptive Server IQ as a Data Server
At the other end of the client/server connection, while many Open Servers use
the Sybase Open Server libraries to handle the interface to TDS, some
applications have a direct interface to TDS of their own. Sybase Adaptive
Server Enterprise and Adaptive Server IQ both have internal TDS interfaces.
They appear to client applications as an Open Server, but do not use the Sybase
Open Server libraries.
Application protocols such as TDS sit on top of lower level communications
protocols that handle network traffic. Adaptive Server IQ supports TDS only
over the TCP/IP network protocol. In contrast, the Adaptive Server IQ-specific
application protocol supports several network protocols as well as a shared
memory protocol designed for same-machine communication.
Configuring IQ Servers with DSEDIT
Adaptive Server IQ can communicate with other Adaptive Servers, Open
Server applications, and client software on the network. Clients can talk to one
or more servers, and servers can communicate with other servers via remote
procedure calls. In order for products to interact with one another, each needs
to know where the others reside on the network. This network service
information is stored in the interfaces file.
The interfaces file
The interfaces file is usually named sql.ini on PC operating systems, and
interfaces or interfac on UNIX operating systems.
The interfaces file is like an address book. It lists the name and address of every
database server known to Open Client applications on your machine. When
you use an Open Client program to connect to a database server, the program
looks up the server name in the interfaces file and then connects to the server
using the address.
The name, location, and contents of the interfaces file differ between operating
systems. Also, the format of the addresses in the interfaces file differs between
network protocols.
When you install Adaptive Server IQ, the setup program creates a simple
interfaces file that you can use for local connections to Adaptive Server IQ over
TCP/IP. It is the System Administrator’s responsibility to modify the interfaces
file and distribute it to users so that they can connect to Adaptive Server IQ
over the network.