Matching Adaptive Server Enterprise data types
Table 5-15: DATE/TIME data types
Since the following Adaptive Server Enterprise data types are not supported,
you must omit columns with these data types:
• image
• nchar
This also applies to any custom Adaptive Server Enterprise data type.
Handling conversion errors on data import
When you are loading data from external sources, there may be errors in the
data. For example, there may be dates that are not valid dates and numbers that
are not valid numbers. The
CONVERSION_ERROR database option allows you
to ignore conversion errors by converting them to NULL values.
Adaptive Server
Enterprise Datatype
Adaptive Server
IQ Datatype Notes
datetime TIMESTAMP or
Adaptive Server Enterprise datetime columns maintain date and
time of day values in 4 bytes for number of days before or after
base date of virtual date 0/0/0000 and 8 bytes for time of day,
accurate to within one 1,000,000th of a second. Adaptive Server
TIMESTAMP (or DATETIME) columns maintain date and time
of day values in two 4-byte integers: 4 bytes for number of days
since 1/1/0 and 4 bytes for time of day, based on 24-hour clock,
accurate to within one 10,000th of a second. Adaptive Server IQ
automatically handles the conversion.
Adaptive Server IQ also has a separate DATE datatype, a single 4-
byte integer. If you want to extract just a date from a SQL Server
or Adaptive Server Enterprise datetime column, you can do this
with Adaptive Server IQ
DATE datatype. To do this, define an
Adaptive Server IQ
DATE column with same name as the Adaptive
Server Enterprise
datetime column. Adaptive Server IQ
automatically picks up appropriate portion of
datetime value.
smalldatetime TIMESTAMPor
Define Adaptive Server Enterprise smalldatetime columns as
TIMESTAMP (or DATETIME) datatype in Adaptive Server IQ.
Adaptive Server IQ properly handles the conversion. As with
datetime, if you want to extract just a date from an
Adaptive Server Enterprise
smalldatetime column, do it with the
Adaptive Server IQ
DATE datatype.