Collation internals
Collation files may include the following elements:
• Comment lines, which are ignored by the database.
• A title line.
• A collation sequence section.
• An Encodings section.
• A Properties section.
Comment lines
In the collation file, spaces are generally ignored. Comment lines start with
either the percent sign (
%) or two dashes (--).
The title line
The first non-comment line must be of the form:
In this statement:
For example, the Shift-JIS collation file contains the following collation line,
with label SJIS and name (Japanese Shift-JIS Encoding):
Collation SJIS (Japanese Shift-JIS Encoding)
Item Description
Collation A required keyword.
The collation label, which appears in the system tables as
SYS.SYSCOLLATION.collation_label and
SYS.SYSINFO.default_collation. The label must contain no
more than 10 characters, and must not be the same as one of the
built-in collations. (In particular, do not leave the collation label
A descriptive term, used for documentation purposes. The name
should contain no more than 128 characters.