■ dhcp-snooping database delay < 15 to 86400 >
Seconds to delay writing to the lease database le.
Range: < 15 to 86400 >
■ dhcp-snooping database file FILE
URL Format: "tftp://<ip-address>/<lename>".
■ [no] dhcp-snooping verify mac
Verify DHCP header client hardware address.
■ [no] dhcp-snooping authorized-server IP-ADDR
DHCP Server address.
■ [no] dhcp-snooping option
Usage: [no] dhcp-snooping option 82 [remote-id <mac|subnet-ip|mgmt-ip>]
[untrusted-policy <drop|keep|replace>]
Description: Congure DHCP snooping operational behavior.
o 82 - Add relay information option to DHCP client packets
that are being forwarded out trusted ports. When 'no'
is specied, relay information is not inserted.
The default is to insert relay information.
o [remote-id <mac|mgmt-ip|subnet-ip>]
- Set the value used for the remote-id eld of the
relay information option. If 'mac' is specied,
the switch mac address is used. If 'mgmt-ip' is
specied, the management vlan ip address is used.
If 'subnet-ip' is specied, the ip address of the
VLAN the packet was received on is used. Note that
when the specied value is 'subnet-ip' or 'mgmt-ip'
and that value is not set, then the switch mac address
will be used. The default remote-id is the switch mac.
o [untrusted-policy <drop|keep|replace>]
- Congures snooping behavior when forwarding a DHCP
packet from an untrusted port that has a DHCP relay
information option present. If 'drop' is specied, the
packet is dropped. If 'keep' is specied, the packet
is forwarded without replacing the option. If 'replace'
is specied the existing option is replaced with one
generated by this switch. The default is to drop.
168© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
dhcp-snoopingCommand Line Interface Reference Guide