
dhcp-snooping database delay < 15 to 86400 >
Seconds to delay writing to the lease database le.
Range: < 15 to 86400 >
dhcp-snooping database file FILE
URL Format: "tftp://<ip-address>/<lename>".
[no] dhcp-snooping verify mac
Verify DHCP header client hardware address.
[no] dhcp-snooping authorized-server IP-ADDR
DHCP Server address.
[no] dhcp-snooping option
Usage: [no] dhcp-snooping option 82 [remote-id <mac|subnet-ip|mgmt-ip>]
[untrusted-policy <drop|keep|replace>]
Description: Congure DHCP snooping operational behavior.
o 82 - Add relay information option to DHCP client packets
that are being forwarded out trusted ports. When 'no'
is specied, relay information is not inserted.
The default is to insert relay information.
o [remote-id <mac|mgmt-ip|subnet-ip>]
- Set the value used for the remote-id eld of the
relay information option. If 'mac' is specied,
the switch mac address is used. If 'mgmt-ip' is
specied, the management vlan ip address is used.
If 'subnet-ip' is specied, the ip address of the
VLAN the packet was received on is used. Note that
when the specied value is 'subnet-ip' or 'mgmt-ip'
and that value is not set, then the switch mac address
will be used. The default remote-id is the switch mac.
o [untrusted-policy <drop|keep|replace>]
- Congures snooping behavior when forwarding a DHCP
packet from an untrusted port that has a DHCP relay
information option present. If 'drop' is specied, the
packet is dropped. If 'keep' is specied, the packet
is forwarded without replacing the option. If 'replace'
is specied the existing option is replaced with one
generated by this switch. The default is to drop.
168© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
dhcp-snoopingCommand Line Interface Reference Guide