Usage: [no] password <manager|operator|port-access|all>
[user-name ASCII-STR] [<plaintext|sha1> ASCII-STR]
Description: Set or clear local password/username for a given access level.
Invoked without 'no', the command sets or changes existent
password(s). If no password provided in the command, the user
will be prompted to enter the new password twice. The command
removes specic local password protection, if preceded by 'no'.
o <manager|operator|port-access|all> - Level of access.
o user-name ASCII-STR - Username (up to 16 characters).
o <plaintext|sha1> ASCII-STR - Format for the password entry, and
the password itself (up to 16 characters). 'plaintext' is
default type, and the only type accepted for 'port-access'.
Supported Values:
■ operator -- Configure operator access.
■ manager -- Configure manager access.
Next Available Options:
■ user-name -- Set username for the specified user category. (ASCII-STR) (p. 391)
■ plaintext -- Enter plaintext password.(p. 390)
■ sha0 -- Enter SHA-0 hash of password.(p. 390)
■ sha1 -- Enter SHA-1 hash of password.(p. 390)
■ [no] password < all >
Usage: [no] password <manager|operator|port-access|all>
[user-name ASCII-STR] [<plaintext|sha1> ASCII-STR]
Description: Set or clear local password/username for a given access level.
Invoked without 'no', the command sets or changes existent
password(s). If no password provided in the command, the user
will be prompted to enter the new password twice. The command
removes specic local password protection, if preceded by 'no'.
o <manager|operator|port-access|all> - Level of access.
o user-name ASCII-STR - Username (up to 16 characters).
o <plaintext|sha1> ASCII-STR - Format for the password entry, and
the password itself (up to 16 characters). 'plaintext' is
default type, and the only type accepted for 'port-access'.
Supported Values:
■ all -- Configure all available types of access.
■ password < operator | manager > user-name USER-NAME plaintext PASSWORD
Set password
■ password < operator | manager > user-name USER-NAME sha0 PASSWORD
Set password
■ password < operator | manager > user-name USER-NAME sha1 PASSWORD
389© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
passwordCommand Line Interface Reference Guide