■ informs -- Specify if informs will be sent, rather than notifications. (p. 618)
■ retries < 0 to 255 > -- Specify the number of retries for informs. (p. 620)
■ timeout < 1 to 21474836 > -- Specify the interval between retries for informs, in seconds.
(NUMBER) (p. 620)
■ address_ipv6 -- IPv6 address of SNMP notification host. (IPV6-ADDR) (p. 615)
■ community -- Name of the SNMP community (up to 32 characters). (ASCII-STR) (p. 615)
■ events < None | Debug | All | ... > -- (p. 616)
■ informs -- Specify if informs will be sent, rather than notifications. (p. 618)
■ retries < 0 to 255 > -- Specify the number of retries for informs. (p. 620)
■ timeout < 1 to 21474836 > -- Specify the interval between retries for informs, in seconds.
(NUMBER) (p. 620)
■ snmp-server location -- Description of the switch location. (ASCII-STR) (p. 618)
■ snmp-server mib -- Enable/Disable SNMP support for the hpSwitchAuthentication MIB (p. 619)
■ hpSwitchAuthMIB -- Enable/Disable SNMP support for the hpSwitchAuthentication MIB (p.
■ excluded -- Disables SNMP support for the hpSwitchAuthentication MIB. (p. 616)
■ included -- Enables SNMP support for the hpSwitchAuthentication MIB. (p. 618)
■ [no] snmp-server response-source -- Specify the source ip-address policy for the response pdu
(p. 619)
■ dst-ip-of-request -- Destination Ip address of the snmp request pdu will be used as the source
ip address in the snmp response pdu. (p. 616)
■ ip-addr -- IP Address for the source ip address field in the snmp response pdu. (IP-ADDR) (p.
■ loopback < 0 to 7 > -- For the specified loopback interface, lexicographically minimum
configured ip address will be used as the source ip address in the snmp response pdu. (p. 619)
■ [no] snmp-server trap-source -- Specify the source ip-address policy for the trap pdu (p. 621)
■ ip-addr -- IP Address for the source ip address field in the trap pdu. (IP-ADDR) (p. 618)
■ loopback < 0 to 7 > -- For the specified loopback interface, lexicographically minimum
configured ip address will be used as the source ip address in the trap pdu. (p. 619)
port-security (p. 619)extended (p. 617)address (p. 614)
response-source (p. 619)host (p. 617)address_ipv6 (p. 615)
retries (p. 620)hpSwitchAuthMIB (p. 617)arp-protect (p. 615)
snmp-authentication (p. 620)included (p. 618)auth-server-fail (p. 615)
standard (p. 620)informs (p. 618)community (p. 615)
timeout (p. 620)ip-addr (p. 618)contact (p. 616)
traps (p. 621)link-change (p. 618)dhcp-snooping (p. 616)
trap-source (p. 621)location (p. 618)dst-ip-of-request (p. 616)
view (p. 622)login-failure-mgr (p. 619)dyn-ip-lockdown (p. 616)
write-access (p. 622)loopback (p. 619)enable (p. 616)
mib (p. 619)events (p. 616)
password-change-mgr (p. 619)excluded (p. 616)
■ snmp-server host IP-ADDR
IP address of SNMP notication host.
Next Available Options:
■ community -- Name of the SNMP community (up to 32 characters). (ASCII-STR) (p. 615)
■ informs -- Specify if informs will be sent, rather than notifications.(p. 618)
■ events < None | Debug | All | ... > -- (p. 616)
614© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
snmp-serverCommand Line Interface Reference Guide