Switch SecurityCategory:
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show (page 511)Related Commands
Usage: key-chain ASCII-STR
Usage: key-chain ASCII-STR key NUMBER [key-string ASCII-STR]
[accept-lifetime <innite|<<START-TIME|now> <END-TIME|duration SEC>>>]
[send-lifetime <innite|<<START-TIME|now> <END-TIME|duration SEC>>>]
Usage: no key-chain ASCII-STR
Usage: no key-chain ASCII-STR key KEY-ID
Description: Congures authentication key chains and individual keys.
The congured key chains can be used for routing protocol
authentication. Refer to routing protocol conguration
commands for supported authentication methods and further
instructions. The rst form of command creates a new key
chain unless the identied chain already exists.
The second form of the command allows adding keys to an
existent chain. The third and fourth forms of the command
can be used to delete keys and chains.
- 'key-string ASCII-STR' authentication key to use
(default empty string).
- 'accept-lifetime ...' time and date when to start accepting
the key and when the key is going to expire. The
expiration time is set to 'innite' by default.
- 'send-lifetime ...' time and date when to start using
the key to send and when the key is going to expire.
A send key is always an accept key too. The expiration
time is set to 'innite' by default.
Note: The 'accept-lifetime' period must always include the
'send-lifetime' period. If only one of the periods is being
changed then the other period also will be increased/reduced
when it is necessary.
Note: All time values are assumed to be GMT
■ [no] key-chain KEY-CHAIN key < 0 to 255 > -- Configure chain keys. (NUMBER) (p. 333)
■ accept-lifetime -- Set key accept lifetime. (p. 323)
■ date -- Key accept start date. (MM/DD[/[YY]YY]) (p. 323)
■ time -- Key accept start time. (HH:MM[:SS]) (p. 338)
■ date -- Key accept stop date. (MM/DD[/[YY]YY]) (p. 323)
■ time -- Key send stop time. (HH:MM[:SS]) (p. 338)
■ send-lifetime -- Set key send lifetime. (p. 336)
■ date -- Key send start date. (MM/DD[/[YY]YY]) (p. 323)
■ additional options available...
■ infinite -- Set infinite lifetime. (p. 332)
■ now -- Use current day and time. (p. 334)
■ additional options available...
■ duration -- Use current day and time. (NUMBER) (p. 329)
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