
DHCP/Bootp server.
o IP-ADDR/mask-LENGTH - Assign an IP address to the switch or VLAN.
The IP-ADDR/mask-LENGTH may be specied in two ways using the
following syntax:
ip address
ip address
Both of the statements above would have the same effect.
Multiple addresses may be congured on a single VLAN.
Next Available Options:
ip-addr -- Interface IP address/mask. (IP-ADDR/mask-LENGTH) (p. 241)
dhcp-bootp -- Configure the interface to use DHCP/Bootp server to acquire parameters.(p. 230)
[no] interface vlan VLAN-ID ipv6 address
Usage: [no] ipv6 address [dhcp|autocong|IPv6-ADDR/PREFIX-LEN]
Description: Set IPv6 parameters for communication within an IP network.
Each VLAN represents an IPv6 interface having its own unique
conguration. The VLAN for which the conguration is
applied can be specied implicitly by preceding the
phrase 'ipv6 address' with the 'vlan VLAN-ID' keyword and
argument. It can also be called explicitly when called
directly from a VLAN context. In the latter case the
command affects the VLAN identied by the context.
o autocong - Enables automatic address conguration of IPv6
addresses using stateless conguration of an interface .
o dhcp - The switch attempts to get its conguration from a
DHCPv6 server.
o IPv6-ADDR/PREFIX-LEN-Assign an IPv6 address to the switch or VLAN.
The IPv6-ADDR/PREFIX-LEN may be specied in four ways using the
following syntax:
ipv6 address 1234:abcd::5678/40
ipv6 address 2001:0db8:1:1:ffff:ffff:ffff:fffe/64 anycast
ipv6 address 2001:0db8:0:1::/64 eui-64
Only link-local addreses are congured without PREFIX-LEN as below:
ipv6 address FE80:0:0:0:0123:0456:0789:0abc link-local
Multiple addresses may be congured on a single VLAN.
Next Available Options:
autoconfig -- Automatic address configuration.(p. 225)
dhcp -- Configure a DHCPv6 client.(p. 230)
ipv6-addr -- Configure a link-local IPv6 address. (IPV6-ADDR) (p. 245)
ipv6-addr/mask -- Configure IPv6 address represented in CIDR notation.
[no] interface svlan VLAN-ID ip address
Usage: [no] ip address [dhcp-bootp|IP-ADDR/mask-LENGTH]
Description: Set IP parameters for communication within an IP network.
Each VLAN represents an IP interface having its own unique
217© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
interfaceCommand Line Interface Reference Guide