encryption key to use for authentication with given server
(default is NULL). Specifying this key overrides the key set for
this server by the 'radius-server key <KEY-STR>' global
conguration command.
o key <KEY-STR> - species the global encryption key, which is
used for authentication if encryption key for the server is
not congured. The default is NULL.
o timeout <1-15> - server response timeout interval in seconds. The
default is 5 seconds.
o retransmit <1-5> - species the maximum number of retransmission
attempts. The default is 3 attempts.
o dyn-autz-port <UDP-PORT> - species the UDP port to listen for
Change-of-Authorization and Disconnect messages. The default
is 3799.
o dead-time <1-1440> - If the switch does not receive a response from a
specic RADIUS server, the switch avoids sending any new
authentication requests to that server until the dead-time has
expired. That is, during a new authentication attempt, the
switch bypasses a specied RADIUS server if a dead-time
period is running on the switch for a previous failure to
receive a response from that server. (The switch will still
send new authentication requests to any other congured
RADIUS servers that are not affected by a dead-time
condition.) For a specic RADIUS server, dead-time counting
begins with the end of the last timeout in the last retransmit
attempt of the failed authentication session. When dead-time
is set to 0 (zero), there is no dead-time and the switch will
not bypass a RADIUS server that has failed to respond to an
earlier authentication attempt. (Default: 0.)
■ [no] radius-server dead-time < Min | Max > -- Server unavailability time (default is 0, use the 'no'
form of command to set the dead-time to 0). (p. 459)
■ dead-time < 1 to 1440 > -- Server unavailability time (default is 0, use the 'no' form of command
to set the dead-time to 0). (p. 459)
■ radius-server dyn-autz-port < 1024 to 49151 > -- UDP port number to listen for
Change-of-Authorization and Disconnect messages (default is 3799). (TCP/UDP-PORT) (p. 460)
■ [no] radius-server host -- IP address of the RADIUS server to use. (IP-ADDR) (p. 460)
■ acct-port -- Accounting UDP destination port number (default is 1813). (p. 458)
■ acct-port -- Accounting UDP destination port number (default is 1813). (TCP/UDP-PORT) (p.
■ auth-port -- Authentication UDP destination port number (default is 1812).
(TCP/UDP-PORT) (p. 459)
■ key -- Encryption key to use with the RADIUS server (default is NULL). (ASCII-STR) (p.
■ auth-port -- Authentication UDP destination port number (default is 1812). (p. 459)
■ auth-port -- Authentication UDP destination port number (default is 1812). (TCP/UDP-PORT)
(p. 459)
■ acct-port -- Accounting UDP destination port number (default is 1813). (TCP/UDP-PORT)
(p. 458)
■ key -- Encryption key to use with the RADIUS server (default is NULL). (ASCII-STR) (p.
■ dyn-authorization -- Enable/disable dynamic authorization control from this host. (p. 459)
■ key -- Encryption key to use with the RADIUS server (default is NULL). (p. 460)
■ key -- Encryption key to use with the RADIUS server (default is NULL). (ASCII-STR) (p. 460)
457© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
radius-serverCommand Line Interface Reference Guide