configPrimary context:
show (page 511)Related Commands
Usage: snmp-server [contact ASCII-STR]
[location ASCII-STR]
[no] snmp-server community ASCII-STR
[manager|operator] [restricted|unrestricted]
[no] snmp-server host IP-ADDR COMMUNITY-STR
[no] snmp-server enable
[no] snmp-server enable traps ...
[no] snmp-server response-source [IP-ADDR|dst-ip-of-request|
[no] snmp-server trap-source [IP-ADDR|loopback<0-7>]
Description: Congure the device SNMP server.
The rst version of the command species system contact and
The second version may be used to add, edit or delete a SNMP community.
Use 'snmp-server community help' to get a detail of the command.
The third version denes SNMP traps and their receivers.
The command congures which network management stations
will receive SNMP event log messages from the switch and
the types of events for which the switch will send these
messages. In all cases, the switch will send all messages
resulting from thresholds, to the network management
station that explicitly set each threshold. The levels
specied on this screen correspond only to the traps set
for event log messages, not to those set for thresholds.
You can specify up to 10 trap receivers (network management
The fourth version of the command enables or disables SNMPv1/v2.
The fth version Enables/Disables event traps to be sent by the switch.
Use 'snmp-server enable traps help' to get a detail of the command.
The sixth version of the command congures the policy for the source-ip
address of the snmp response pdu. Use 'snmp-server response-source help'
to get a detail of the command.
The last version of the command congures the policy for the source-ip
address of the snmp trap pdu. Use 'snmp-server trap-source help' to get
a detail of the command.
o contact ASCII-STR - Up to 48 characters. Name of the switch
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