o priority <0-15> or <0-65535> (default is 32768 and step 8 respectively) -
The device priority - used along with the switch MAC address to determine
which device is the root. If 802.1w or 802.1s STP version is set, then
the range of 0-61440 is divided into steps of 4096. These steps are
numbered from 0 to 15.
o cong-name ASCII-STR (default is switch's MAC address) - The name of
the MST region conguration identier. The name has the maximum length
of 32 characters and is case sensitive. Use "no" form of the command
to reset to the default name. The parameter is congurable in MSTP mode
o cong-revision <0-65535> (default is 0) - The revision number of the MST
region conguration identier. The parameter is congurable in MSTP
mode only.
o max-hops <1-40> (default is 20) - The number of hops in the MST region
before the MST BPDU is discarded and the information held for a port is
aged. This parameter is congurable in MSTP mode only and serves for
the same purpose as the maximum-age and message-age couple used by
legacy single spanning tree bridges.
o instance ... - Allows to create, delete and congure MST instances.
This command is available in MSTP mode only. See the command help for
further details.
o pending ... - Manipulate the pending MSTP conguration. This command
is available in MSTP mode only. See the command help for more details.
o legacy-path-cost - Set default pathcosts to 802.1D (legacy) or 802.1t
(not legacy) values. This command is available in MSTP mode only.
o legacy-mode - Set spanning-tree protocol to operate either in 802.1D
legacy mode or in 802.1s native mode. This command is available in MSTP
mode only. See the command help for more details.
o trap - Enable/disable STP traps. The following traps are generated
as a result of nding an unusual condition on a switch port.
Possible trap names are:
- 'errant-bpdu' signies that an unexpected Spanning Tree BPDU
has been received on a port.
■ spanning-tree bpdu-protection-timeout < 0 to 65535 > -- Set the time for protected ports to be in
down state after receiving unauthorized BPDUs. (p. 641)
■ spanning-tree clear-debug-counters -- Clear spanning tree debug counters. (p. 642)
■ instance < 0 to 16 > -- Clear spanning tree instance debug counters. (NUMBER) (p. 643)
■ ports -- Clear spanning tree port(s) debug counters. ([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 651)
■ ports -- Clear spanning tree port(s) debug counters. ([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 651)
■ instance < 0 to 16 > -- Clear spanning tree instance debug counters. (NUMBER) (p. 643)
■ [no] spanning-tree config-name -- Set the MST region configuration name (default is switch's
MAC address). (p. 642)
■ config-name -- Specify the configuration name (maximum 32 characters). (ASCII-STR) (p. 642)
■ spanning-tree config-revision < 0 to 65535 > -- Set the MST region configuration revision number
(default is 0). (p. 642)
■ spanning-tree force-version < STP-compatible | RSTP-operation > -- Set Spanning Tree protocol
compatibility mode. (p. 642)
■ spanning-tree force-version < STP-compatible | RSTP-operation | MSTP-operation > -- Set Spanning
Tree protocol compatibility mode. (p. 642)
■ spanning-tree forward-delay < 4 to 30 > -- Set time the switch waits between transitioning from
listening to learning and from learning to forwarding states. (p. 643)
■ spanning-tree hello-time < 1 to 10 > -- Set time between messages transmission when the switch
is root. (p. 643)
■ spanning-tree instance -- Create, delete or configure an MST instance (p. 643)
638© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
spanning-treeCommand Line Interface Reference Guide