v Add agent
v Remove agent
v Configure management station
v View management station event log
v Change display group
an agent: Use this action add a management station agent or FlashCopy
v The management station agent is a monitoring agent for network storage. After
you add a management station agent, you can monitor and configure the
attached enclosures from a ServeRAID Manager console.
v The FlashCopy agent monitors FlashCopy backups for network storage. You
must run at least one FlashCopy agent to manage FlashCopy backups of logical
devices on external storage enclosures.
a management station agent
To add a management station agent:
1. In the Enterprise view, click
(management station).
2. Right click Add agent. The Add Agent window opens.
3. Enter the management port host name or TCP/IP address of one of the
controllers in the enclosure. (Single controller configurations have only one
controller in the enclosure.)
4. Enter the administrator’s password in the password field.
The administrator’s password is established when the enclosure is
installed on the network. It is not the same as the management station
5. Click Add.
a FlashCopy agent
To add a FlashCopy agent:
1. In the Enterprise view, click
(management station).
2. Right click Add agent. The Add Agent window opens.
3. Enter the host name or TCP/IP address of the machine on which the agent is
For the FlashCopy agent, no password is required.
4. Click Add.
v Using the management station agent
v Removing an agent
an agent: Use this action to remove a management station agent or
FlashCopy agent for networked storage. Removing the management station agent
deletes the enclosure from the Enterprise view, but does not take the enclosure
Chapter 4. Managing ServeRAID devices 115