v Deleting a recipient from the email notification list
v Modifying recipient properties in the email notification list
v Monitoring messages sent from the Email Notification Manager
messages sent from the Email Notification Manager: For each recipient in
the e-mail notification list, you can view details about the last message the Email
Notification Manager sent (or tried to send) to that recipient.
In the e-mail notification list, double-click the Last message sent column for the
recipient in which you are interested. The Last Message Detail window opens. This
window contains information about the last message the Email Notification
Manager sent (or tried to send) to the recipient. The message information includes
the following: status, type, date, time, source, target, and description.
More information
v Using the Email Notification Manager
v Adding a recipient to the email notification list
v Deleting a recipient from the email notification list
v Modifying recipient properties in the email notification list
v Sending a test message to a recipient in the email notification list
the Email Notification Manager:
Note: This action is not supported when using the following:
v ServeRAID Manager in bootable-CD mode
v ServeRAID Manager as a plug-in application
this action to specify the SMTP server address and the administrator’s ″reply
to″ address. The reply to address typically is the address of the ServeRAID
Manager system administrator or IT or network administrator.
1. Click Actions → SMTP server settings. The SMTP server settings window
2. Type the SMTP server address. You can enter the host name, including domain,
or the TCP/IP address.
3. Type the administrator’s reply to address. Include the user name and domain,
such as jack_smith@syntecha.com.
4. Click OK.
More information
v Using the Email Notification Manager
v Adding a recipient to the email notification list
v Deleting a recipient from the email notification list
v Modifying recipient properties in the email notification list
v Sending a test message to a recipient in the email notification list
v Monitoring messages sent from the Email Notification Manager
a recipient to the Email Notification Manager: Use this action to add a
recipient to the e-mail notification list. You can add one recipient only, typically the
ServeRAID Manager administrator, or system or network administrator. The
recipient is notified of all or selected events that occur on the enclosure(s)
connected to the management station.
1. Click
(Add e-mail recipient). The Add e-mail Recipient window opens.
Chapter 4. Managing ServeRAID devices 163