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Assist and displays a list of topics that include the words.
Presents the ServeRAID Manager Assist contents. You can use the
contents to acquaint yourself with ServeRAID Manager Assist topics.
About ServeRAID Manager
Reports the ServeRAID Manager version number, copyright, and legal
SNMP Trap Manager toolbar
The SNMP Trap Manager toolbar has the following functions:
Add system
Delete system
Modify system
Information about this window View context-sensitive information for the
current window.
Adding a system in the SNMP Trap Manager
Use this action to add a system to the SNMP traps list. You can add one system
only, such as an administrator’s workstation. The system is notified of the traps
that occur on the enclosures attached to the management station.
1. Click
(Add system). The Add System window opens.
2. Type the host name or TCP/IP address of the system you want to add.
3. Type the remote system SNMP trap port number. The default port is 162.
4. Type the Community for the system.
5. From the Version drop-down list, select the SNMP version number. The default
is SNMPv1.
6. Select the type of events you want to be notified of: error, warning, or
7. Click Add.
More information
v Using the SNMP Trap Manager
v Deleting a system from the SNMP traps list
v Modifying system properties in the SNMP traps list
v Sending a test trap to a system in the SNMP traps list
Deleting a system in the SNMP Trap Manager
Use this action to delete a system from the SNMP traps list. After deleting the
remote system, the SNMP Trap Manager no longer notifies the remote system of
traps occurring on the enclosures connected to the management station.
1. In the SNMP traps list, click the system you want to delete.
2. Click
(Delete system).
214 ServeRAID Manager Installation and User's Guide