Hot spare is too small for use by at least one array.
None of the logical drives in the specified array support
hot-spare drives.
At least one array is too large to use the hot spare drive
[number]. Replace the specified drive with a larger drive.
This hot-spare drive will not work for any defined array because of one of the
v None of the existing array support hot-spare drives.
v The hot-spare drive must have the same capacity as or larger capacity than the
smallest physical drive in the array.
v If any of the physical drives in your arrays fail, the specified hot-spare drive
cannot replace the failed drive.
Remove the specified hot-spare drive and add a drive of the appropriate size.
Could not start logical drive migration: controller [number] logical
drive [number]
The logical-drive migration could not start because of one of the following:
v A rebuild, synchronization, or migration operation is currently in progress on
the specified controller.
v A hardware error occurred.
Verify that there is no rebuild, synchronization, or migration operation currently in
progress on this controller. If you see a progress indicator in the status bar or
(in animation) in the Logical devices view, one of these operations is in
progress and you must wait for the operation to be completed. Otherwise,
complete the following steps:
1. Verify that the controller, cables, and physical drives are installed properly.
2. Verify that there is power to the physical drives.
3. Retry the command.
4. If the command still fails, restart the server and retry the command.
5. If the problem persists, contact your service representative.
Could not enable the hot-swap rebuild operation: controller [number]
A hardware error occurred.
Chapter 5. Troubleshooting ServeRAID Manager 229