To remove an agent:
1. In the Enterprise view, click
(management station).
2. Right click Remove agent and then the agent name. In the pull-right menu,
management station agents are listed first, above the horizontal rule. FlashCopy
agents are listed below the rule. The rule is visible (near the top of the panel)
even if no management station agents are defined.
3. Click Yes.
More information
v Using the management station agent
v Adding an agent
a management station: Use this action to configure a management
station. After you configure a management station, you can monitor the attached
enclosures from a ServeRAID Manager console running on another system.
1. In the Enterprise view, click
(management station).
2. Right click Management station actions → Configure. The Management Station
Configuration window opens.
3. Configure the Security Manager, SNMP Traps Manager, and Email Notification
More information
v Using the management station agent
v Using the Security Manager
v Using the SNMP Traps Manager
v Using the Email Notification Manager
the management station event log: Use this action to view events in the
management station event log.
1. In the Enterprise view, click
(management station).
2. From the Actions menu, click Management station actions → View event log.
The Management Station Event Viewer window opens.
3. If you want to save the event log to a file, click File → Save as. The default is
4. Click File → Close to close the Event Viewer window.
More information
v Using the management station agent
the management station agent: The management station agent is a monitoring
agent for network storage. After you add an agent, you can configure the
management station to:
v Notify users by email when events occur on the enclosures attached to the
management station. Use the Email Notification Manager, from the Management
Station Configuration console, to add recipients to the email notification list.
v Prevent unauthorized users from connecting to the management station using its
built-in security feature. The management station checks the security list user
name and password to ensure that only authorized users can log in. Use the
Security Manager, from the Management Station Configuration console, to add
users to the agent security list.
116 ServeRAID Manager Installation and User's Guide