Adding an iSCSI initiator
1. In the Initiator IQN field, type a well-formed IQN in the format:
iqn.yyyy-mm.s1.s2[.|:]s3 where:
v yyyy is the 4-digit year
v mm is the 2-digit month (01-12)
v s1 and s2 are 1-n character alphanumeric strings (for example, mydomain.com)
v s3 is 5 or more alphanumeric characters, separated from s2 by ’.’ or ’:’
In the Initiator alias filed, type a name for the initiator. The initiator alias must
start with a letter. It can contain only letters and numbers.
3. Optionally, click Advanced settings; then, click the check boxes to enable or
disable the following features:
Communications with initiator include
separate status Protocol Data Unit (PDU).
Communications with initiator include PDU
Initiator supports iSCSI ping.
Note: Refer to your initiator documentation for more information about these
4. Click OK; then, repeat steps 1-3 to add additional initiators.
5. Click Cancel to close the Add iSCSI Initiator window.
Adding a fibre channel port name
1. In the Port Name field, enter the 16-character Port Name. Each octet (8
characters) can be separated by a ’:’ or ’-’.
2. In the Initiator alias field, type a name for the initiator. The initiator alias must
start with a letter. It can contain only letters and numbers.
3. Click OK; then, repeat steps 1 and 2 to add additional initiators.
Note: You can define a maximum of 255 ports (LUNs) for each fibre channel
4. To automatically detect initiators on your network, click
. The Select a Discovered Initiator window opens.
Note: The button will be grayed out if no new initiators are detected.
Then, select a discovered initiator from the list.
5. Click Cancel to close the Add Port Name window.
More information
v Modifying and deleting initiator information
v Selecting discovered initiators
Selecting a discovered initiator
Use the Select a Discovered Initiator window to add an existing fibre channel
initiator to the list of initiators that can access the enclosure.
80 ServeRAID Manager Installation and User's Guide