c. Typically, the first logical drive defined on the first controller found
by system BIOS during startup will be your startup (boot) drive.
d. The actual logical-drive size might be slightly different from what
you select. The RAID level and the number of physical drives
determine the size of the logical drive. For example, an array
consisting of three, 1 GB physical drives with a requested RAID
level-0 logical drive of 1000 MB will actually contain only 999 MB
because the data is striped across all three drives, with 333 MB on
each drive.
4. From the Stripe Size drop-down list, select the stripe-unit for the logical drive.
Note: The default stripe-unit size is usually adequate for most applications.
5. From the Controller drop-down list, select the preferred owner for the logical
drive, Controller A or Controller B. (For single controller configurations, this
field is grayed out.)
You can only choose the controller for the first logical drive in the array.
6. If you have free space available and want to create additional logical drives,
. To create a new logical drive with the same
settings as the current logical drive, click
; then, choose
the number of replicas from the drop-down list.
Attention: Use care when allocating space for new a new logical drive. You
must leave enough space for FlashCopy backups to grow to their virtual size.
For example, if the virtual size of a FlashCopy backup is 20 GB, you must leave
at least 20 GB of free space in the array. Note that the Configuration wizard
displays the actual size of the first FlashCopy backup (not the virtual size), and
0 for all other FlashCopy backups.
7. Repeat steps 2 through 6 for each logical drive that you want to define in this
8. Repeat steps 1 through 7 for each additional array you want to configure.
9. Click Next. Depending on the initiator type, the Define Authentication Method
window opens or the Define Initiators window opens.
To return to the Create Arrays window, click Back. To leave the Configuration
wizard, click Cancel.
Defining the authentication method
Note: The ServeRAID Manager supports authentication for iSCSI initiators only.
Use the Authentication Information window to define the authentication method
(if any) for each user permitted to use the logical drives in the array. Optionally,
you can enable Radius authentication (an external authentication service) and
define the SLP (Service Location Protocol) Scope name.
1. Select a logical drive from the list on the left.
2. From the Authentication type list, select the method used to authenticate users
of this logical drive. You can choose:
v None - Do not authenticate users
v CHAP - Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
78 ServeRAID Manager Installation and User's Guide