Modify system
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current window.
Adding a system in the Notification Manager:
Note: This action is not supported when using the ServeRAID Manager in
bootable-CD mode.
Use this action to add a new system to the notification list. Every new system that
you add to the list is notified of all events that occur on this system.
1. Click
(Add system).
2. Type the host name or TCP/IP address of the system that you want to add.
3. Type the TCP/IP port for the remote system Startup port number. The default
port is 34571. If you changed the system Startup port number in the User
Preferences window on the remote system, type that number here.
4. Click Add.
5. Continue to add systems, or click Cancel to close the window.
After you add the system to the notification list, the ServeRAID Manager will
attempt to connect to the remote system and send an initial set of events. The
Manager uses these events to update the ServeRAID Manager interface running on
the remote system.
More information
v Using the Notification Manager
v Deleting a system from the notification list
v Modifying system properties in the notification list
v Sending a test event to a system in the notification list
v Monitoring events sent from the Notification Manager
a system in the Notification Manager:
Note: This action is not supported when using the following:
v ServeRAID Manager in bootable-CD mode
v ServeRAID Manager as a plug-in application
this action to delete a remote system from the notification list. After deleting
the remote system, the Notification Manager no longer notifies the remote system
of events occurring on the local system.
1. Click the system you want to delete from the notification list.
2. Click
(Delete system).
3. Click Yes to confirm. The Notification Manager deletes the system from the
notification list.
More information
v Using the Notification Manager
v Adding a system to the notification list
v Modifying system properties in the notification list
v Sending a test event to a system in the notification list
v Monitoring events sent from the Notification Manager
154 ServeRAID Manager Installation and User's Guide