logical drive
A grouping of physical drives that the operating system recognizes as a single
logical-drive migration
To add or remove physical drives from an existing array, to change RAID levels,
change logical-drive size, or effect an increase in free space.
LSI 1030 controller
See integrated RAID controller.
management station
A system or server with a network-attached storage enclosure. After you install the
management station software on that system, you can monitor and configure the
enclosure from a ServeRAID Manager console.
When referring to physical-drive capacity, MB means 1 000 000 bytes. Total
user-accessible capacity may vary depending on operating environment.
merge-group number
In a clustering configuration, the numbers that identify each logical drive.
Non-shared logical drives are assigned merge-group numbers of either 206 or 207;
shared logical drives need unique merge-group numbers, so that they can be
identified even if they move to the other server.
merge-group state
In a clustering environment, whether or not a logical drive is shared.
The state of a logical drive undergoing a logical-drive migration.
mirror role
The role assigned to the two physical drives that an integrated RAID controller
uses to create a RAID level-1 logical drive. When the logical drive is created, data
is copied from the primary physical drive to the secondary physical drive. Any
data on the secondary drive is destroyed.
network-attached storage
An external storage enclosure with an embedded RAID controller, such as the IBM
DS400. You can monitor and configure network-attached storage from a ServeRAID
Manager console if the enclosure is connected to a management station.
266 ServeRAID Manager Installation and User's Guide