Navigating in tables or text areas
Action Key Combination
Navigate out forward in table or text area Ctrl + Tab
Navigate out backward in table or text area Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Move to next cell
(wrap to next row)
(Right arrow)
Move to previous cell
(wrap to previous row)
Shift + Tab
(Left arrow)
Move to cell above Up
Move to cell below Down
Accessing and navigating in the tree
Action Key Combination
Accessing the tree pane Ctrl + Tab
Expand entry Right
Collapse entry Left
Single select Ctrl + Spacebar
Other keyboard navigation shortcuts
Action Key Combination
Close active window Alt + F4
Display context menu for selected object Enter
Select controller, channel, or drive object Spacebar
Display selected object properties Alt + Enter
Open Help window F1
Expand/collapse physical and logical
Up arrow
Down arrow
Display event detail window (focus in event
More information
v ServeRAID Manager accessibility features
v Accessing the ServeRAID Manager using screen-reading software
Verifying that the ServeRAID Manager agent is running
Use the following procedure to verify that the ServeRAID Manager agent is
running on your system.
Chapter 3. Using ServeRAID Manager 59