GRAYLINE is adjustable. Since GRAYLINE shows the difference be-
tween strong and weak signals, adjusting the sensitivity may require a
different GRAYLINE level, also. The level chosen by the LMS-350A at
power on is usually adequate
for most conditions. Experiment
with your unit to find the
GRAYLINE setting that’s best
for you.
To adjust GRAYLINE, press
the MENU key, then press the
key adjacent to the “Adjust
Chart Grayline” label. A screen
similar to the one at right ap-
pears. Now press the left arrow
key to decrease the gray level.
Press the right arrow key to increase it. The percentage of GRAYLINE in
use changes as the arrow keys are pressed. The bar chart also gives a
graphical indication of the GRAYLINE level. You can see the change on
the screen (both on the menu and on the chart record) as you press the
keys. After you’ve made the adjustment, press the CLR key to erase the
The Fish I.D. feature identifies targets that meet certain conditions as fish.
The micro-computer analyses all echoes and eliminates surface clutter,
thermoclines, and other signals that are undesirable. In most instances,
remaining targets are fish. The Fish I.D. feature displays symbols on the
screen in place of the actual fish echoes. There are four fish symbol sizes:
tiny, small, medium, and large. These are used to designate the relative
size between targets. In other words, it displays a small fish symbol when
it thinks a target is a small fish, a medium fish symbol on a larger target, etc.