press the up or down arrow
keys. This lets you move the
cursor to verify a target's depth.
To turn the chart cursor off,
press the MENU key until the
third menu screen appears.
Now press the key next to the
"Turn Chart Cursor Off" label.
The LMS-350A returns to the
sonar screen with the cursor
turned off.
To turn FASTRAK on, press
the MENU key, then press the
key next to the "More" label
until the fourth menu page ap-
pears. Now press the key adja-
cent to the “Turn Chart Fastrak
On” label. To turn it off, repeat
the same steps. The “TURN
FASTRAK OFF” label appears
on this page when Fastrak is
on. Press the key next to this
label to turn it off.
This feature converts all ech-
oes to short horizontal lines on
the display’s far right side. The
graph continues to operate nor-
mally. FASTRAK gives you a
rapid update of conditions di-
rectly under the boat. This
makes it useful for ice fishing,
or when you’re fishing at an-
chor. Since the unit is not mov-
ing, fish signals are long, drawn
out lines on a normal chart dis-
play. FASTRAK converts the
chart to a vertical bar graph.