Press the key next to the "Ac-
cept Offset" label when you've
entered the desired latitude off-
set. Repeat this procedure to
change the longitude. In this
example, we have entered 0
degrees,.012 minutes north
lattitude and 0 degrees, .068
minutes east longitude as the
PCF offset. That is the differ-
ence between the present po-
sition shown on the unit and
our position shown by the chart.
In other words, our position shown on the unit is 0.012 minutes north and
0.068 minutes east of the position shown on the chart.
After you've entered the desired offset, press the key next to the "PCF
Offset OFF ON" label. This turns the PCF correction factor that you
entered on. To leave this
screen, press the key next to
the "Exit" label. This also puts
your changes into effect.
To turn these changes off, re-
turn to this screen and press
the key next to the "PCF OFF-
SET OFF ON" label. Remem-
ber, Presetting the unit also
erases any PCF offset, thereby
turning it off.