One of boating’s most terrifying events is having a friend or family member
fall overboard. This situation can be deadly on any body of water, fresh or
salt. It’s particularly dangerous at night or if you’re out of sight of land. Of
course, the first thing to do is remain calm and try all standard safety
measures to try and rescue the person. If you lose sight of the person, you
can use the LMS-350A to help start a search pattern.
Once you’re back at the helm after initial rescue efforts have failed, press
the LMS-350’s MAN OVERBOARD key. The screen shown below ap-
pears. Your position at the time you pressed the Man Overboard key is
shown in the top left corner of the display. Beneath the position is the time
that you pressed the Man Overboard key. At the bottom of the screen are
the navigation data displays
showing the Distance (DTG),
Bearing (BRG), Course (COG),
Speed Over Ground (SOG),
and Time To Go (TTG) back to
the postion at the top of the
display. Using these displays
along with the plotter in the
lower right corner of the screen
gives you the information you
need to steer back to the man
overboard position.
The Preset feature returns all sonar and GPS units to their original factory
settings. This resets the units of measure, speaker volume, display
contrast, and more. This doesn’t erase any waypoints or routes, however.
To preset the unit, press the MENU key until the “Preset Sonar and GPS”
label appears. Press the key next to that label. The menu screen
disappears and the LMS-350A returns to the GPS position screen. All
units will be returned to their factory settings.