
The LMS-350A can place event
markers or “icons” on the plot-
ter to mark fishing spots, shal-
low water, or other special lo-
cations. There are five different
icons to choose from and there
are 100 of each icon for a total
of 500. You can place each
icon individually, however, you
can't erase a single icon once
you've placed it. To erase an
icon, you have to erase all of the icons in that group.
To place an icon, press the EVENT MARKER key. The screen shown
above appears.
Now select one of the five icons shown on the left side of the screen by
pressing the key next to the desired icon. As soon as you press the key,
the LMS-350A places the icon at your present position. This icon always
stays in this location. It’s saved in memory so it will always show on the
display, even if the unit is turned off and on again.
Note: When you place an icon, first make certain the icons are on. When
the LMS-350A is first turned on or after a preset, the icons are automati-
cally turned on. However, if you turn the icons off (using the Set Icons
feature on the first plotter menu screen), then the icons won't show when
you place an icon. The unit will place the icon, however it won't show until
you turn the icons on.
Using the Event Marker with the Cursor
Normally, when you select an
icon, it’s placed on the plotter at
your present position. However,
you can place an icon any-
where on the plotter using the
cursor. To do this, first press
one of the arrow keys. This
makes the plotter cursor lines
appear on the display. Now
move the lines to the desired
position on the display by press-