The LMS-350A has a five chan-
nel GPS receiver. Data on each
channel is shown at the top of
the display. The channels are
numbered one through five on
the left side of the screen. Ev-
ery satellite in the constellation
has a number assigned to it,
called the PRN. The PRN is the
first number in the channel’s
row. TRK stands for “track.” If
the LMS-350A is tracking the
satellite, then a “T” is placed in
this column. If the LMS-350A is searching for the satellite, then a “S”
appears. ELV is the elevation (height) of the satellite above the horizon
from your position. AZM is the azimuth or direction of the satellite from
your position. For example, if the azimuth of a satellite is 180 degrees, then
it is due south. SNR is the signal-to-noise ratio. This tells you how strong
the satellite’s signal is. The higher the SNR number, the better.
The satellites that are visible in the sky from your position are shown in the
right side of the screen under the “VISIBLE SATS” heading.
In the upper right corner of the screen are the DOPS displays. These show
you the “Dilution Of Precision” (DOP) for the horizontal (HDOP), geomet-
ric (GDOP), position (PDOP), time (TDOP), and vertical (VDOP). The
GDOP is the combination value of HDOP, VDOP, and TDOP. The smaller
the GDOP’s number is, the better. The GPS receiver selects satellites
based on GDOP, therefore it always tries to use satellites that have good
DOP values. These depend on the azimuth and elevation of the satellite,
and any ground based obstructions.
Remember, the smaller the number - the better on all of the DOPs.
At the bottom of the screen are the Present Position (POSITION), Speed
Over Ground (SOG), Course Over Ground (COG), Distance To Go (to
waypoint) (DTG), Bearing (to waypoint) (BRG), and local time and date
displays. These displays are customizable.
The position screen automatically appears after the LMS-350A is initial-
ized or you can view this screen at any time by pressing the GPS key. The
position display shows your present position in large numbers at the top
of the screen and Speed Over Ground (SOG), Course Over Ground