The LMS-350A can display the
water depth in feet, fathoms, or
meters, surface water tempera-
ture in degrees Fahrenheit or
Celsius, speed in statute miles
per hour, kilometers per hour,
or knots, and distance (log) in
miles, kilometers, or nautical
To change the units of measure, press the MENU key, then press the key
next to the "More" label until the fourth menu page appears. Now press the
key adjacent to the “Select Units of Measure” label. The screen shown
below appears. The black box on each line shows the unit of measure
currently in use. In the screen shown above, the units of measure are in
feet for the depth, temperature in degrees Fahrenheit, speed is in statute
miles per hour and log is in statute miles.
Press the key adjacent to the unit that you wish to change. For example,
press the key next to the "Depth" label two times to switch from feet to
meters. This moves the black box two times from the “FT” to the “M”. When
you have the units of measure set as desired, press the key next to the
“Exit” label.
If the optional speed/temperature sensor is attached to the LMS-350A, it
starts counting distance as soon as the unit is turned on. It saves the
distance in memory even when the unit is turned off. To reset the distance
log to zero, press the MENU key, then press the key next to the "More"
label until the “Clear Distance Log” label appears, then press the key
adjacent to that label.
The LMS-350A prints depth
lines across the display that
corresponds to the scales on
the right side of the screen as
shown on the screen at right.
To turn the depth lines on, first
press the MENU until the fourth
menu page appears. Now press
the key next to the "Turn Depth