The markings extending down-
ward from the zero line on the
chart are called “surface clut-
ter.” These markings are caused
by wave action, boat wakes,
temperature inversion, and
other natural causes.
The Surface Clarity Control
(SCC) reduces or eliminates surface clutter signals from the display. SCC
varies the sensitivity of the receiver, decreasing it near the surface and
gradually increasing it as the depth increases. The maximum depth that
SCC will affect is 75% of the selected depth range. For example, on a 0-
60 foot range with maximum
SCC, surface clutter will be re-
duced down to 45 feet.
There are three levels of SCC
available on the LMS-350A: low,
medium, and high. When it’s
turned on for the first time, the
SCC level is low. To change it,
press the MENU key, then press
the key next to the "More" label
until the fifth menu page ap-
pears. Now press the key adja-
cent to the “Surface Clarity” label until the black box is on the desired SCC
Press the key next to the “EXIT” label when you’re finished.
Lines On" label. A screen similar to the one shown at the bottom of the
previous page appears. To turn the depth lines off, repeat the above steps.
The label on the fourth menu page now reads "Turn Depth Lines Off".
Press the key next to that label. The LMS-350A returns to the sonar